LAST UPDATE: 11/30/2021 – This page will be used to provide Masterman Home & School Environmental Committee Updates as we receive them.
The Environmental Committee invites you to join our brief weekly meetings at 6:30pm on Wednesdays.A meeting will not be held on the Wednesday of the monthly SAC meeting because the time conflicts.Join Zoom Meeting (same link for every meeting)
MEETING LINK https://upenn.zoom.us/j/4158344426
Good morning Everyone,
Hope that you all enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving.
Please join us tomorrow at 6:30 for our weekly meeting. There are many important topics to discuss. We hope to have an update about the FOIA that we filed recently. Thank you, Aaron.
We will give an update about the art room 14 issues which remain unresolved. The 212 degree steam pipes remain exposed and uncovered. The District is also looking into the proximity of that room to the steam loop and the overall safety of that room being used as a classroom. There were recent issues (yesterday) of masonry debris falling into a 6th grade classroom. Children were luckily at lunch, however, the debris would have fallen on a student if that were not the case. We do not know the root cause or whether any asbestos dust, rodent dropping etc were present in the debris. We understand that the debris was swept up but do not believe that it was tested. Again, we are following up about this. Finally, please encourage other parents, staff or alumni to join.
The overarching goal of seating an Environmental Action Team is paramount and urgent. We cannot truly work to resolve these issues until we have the ability to work collaboratively with the District to do so and have access to all current information. Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
PS: Attached is a photo of the debris from the 6th grade classroom.
Dear Masterman Alumni Community:
As many of you are aware, Teachers & Parents are protesting the hazardous asbestos conditions at Masterman. This issue, that existed even during many of our tenured period at Masterman, has persisted for many years, and gotten progressively worse. Many Alumni have asks way in which they can support. We have included a list of support opportunities below, for your information.
- Join Rally At Masterman on Monday, August 30, 2021 at 8AM
- Event Planned by Masterman Home & School Association (HSA)
- Sign Online Petition
- Write A Letter to School District
- Contact School District Personnel Directly
- Superintendent – Dr. Steven Hite (hite@philasd.org)
- School Board (schoolboard@philasd.org)
- Show Your Support On Social Media & Tag School District Directly
- Facebook – PhillySchools
- Instagram – @Philly_Schools
- Twitter – Tag @PHLSchools @sdphite
Other Resources/Information
- Background Information – Articles, News Reports & Links to Other Sources
- Masterman Home & School Assocation Press Release (See Below)
Parents, guardians, and other members of the larger school community at Masterman will rally in support of our teachers who took a brave stand for safe teaching and learning conditions at our school last week and were threatened and disciplined by the district for standing up. We have tremendous respect for them as professionals and advocates for our school community, and we will not tolerate their being bullied for doing the right thing. We are rallying in support of them.
We will again highlight the demands of our building’s environmental committee, insisting that the district allow a joint PFT-SDP inspection to take place to ascertain the state of the current construction-related and asbestos problems in the building. We know, from past experience at other schools, that the district’s assurances alone are not to be trusted. We do not want our children or their teachers or staff to have to work in a building that has not been deemed safe by this joint inspection team.
Furthermore, we stand in solidarity with every school community in Philadelphia fighting for a safe re-opening of their school this week, including Cassidy, SLA Beeber, TM Peirce and other schools that are trying to make sure their students and staff are safe. This is a city-wide issue, and we need district and city leadership to make sure all our city’s children and teachers are safe.